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Data Conversion from Excel 2010 to Excel 2003


New Member
Hey guys,

I created a worksheet in excel2010 with data validation, but my clients have an earlier version of excel, probably 2003... and the data validation (drop down list obtain through the "selecting" of array from another sheet on the same worksheet) completly disappears... what can i do to conserve the list while trying to save my spreadsheet into excel 2003?

thanks again
Hi, budimu!

Could you please post some validation list's expressions? If it's a simple list, you don't lose your original list, just the validation and the drop down list box.

Hi SirJB7,

On Sheet1 i have a data validation on ColumnC (Job Category), with the expression being > Source: ='Sheet2'!$A$1:$A$52 ...

ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC

NameofEmployee JobTitle Job Category

The file is being saved as an xlsx, but my Client apparently uses xls (excel 2003)... so as soon as he opens the file, the data validation disappears ... I was able to find a manual fix, by manually typing the different Job categories unto the source instead of using the range and it seemed to work... another option was to put the list of categories in the same sheet,but it made the sheet looked not as clean as i wanted...

But if you still can find a better solution, please let me know , as i may still face the same issue with other Clients

Thank you for taking the time to read and trying to answer my question!!!!
Hi, budimu!

As fred pointed out, try saving the file as .xls but first:

a) create a named range (XList) for your source list range

b) use this named range (XList) as source for validation list of related cell

Doing so, you avoid the warning error of Excel at save time telling you that there are data validations that will be lost.

This works from Excel 2010. Check out by yourself if when opened from Excel 2003 it still works.

thank you so much guys, i have found out that it can be a bug (hopefully it will get fixed)... And Yes, i tried your solutions as well..

thanks again!!!! :)
Hi, budimu!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
