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Comparison of set of data


New Member
Hi guys, I have a weird question :) i have two set of data that i need to compare to make sure i have the same values in both data set, but i'm not sure how to go about it... i feel so lost and overwhelmed

first set looks like this:

Column A       Column B
Danny          Student
Danny          Bachelors
Danny          France
Second set looks like this

Column A       Column B
Danny          Student;France;Bachelors;Paris
What would be the best way to go about comparing it? i have about 3000 rows in the first set... i was thinking about transforming the first set to look like the second one, but then i still would not know how to compare it due to the ";" value separator. And if there is an extra value ("Paris"), i would definitly want to know what is the extra value...

Would anyone be aware of what would be the best steps to do? my main concern is to at least know where the difference is. Thank you for any help you may provide!!!!!
Good day budimu

Here is the link to one of Chandoos excellent lessons.


As BobHC suggested, Chandoo has written many posts on finding duplicates

Try using the Google Custom Search box at the top right of this page and search for

Find Duplicates

Or you can just click on the link below

thanks, i think that i did not properly formulate my request, the big issue is not so much comparing data, but rather comparing data that is in 2 different format ... so i'm guessing i will need to convert one of the form to match the other one, but was wondering which form would be easiest to work with to be able to make the comparison. Still figuring out how i should convert one form to the other... hope that makes more sense...

the links you provided only deal with data in the same format (2 columns in same format) while mine does not have that
Thank you Faseeh,

Would love to upload sample file but i'm not sure how to :) :) i'm still pretty new at this :). Please see real sample below

format 1: column A has name (repeated) / column B has one value per line

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Basic

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Shift Nights

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - OT Half

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Holi Pay

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - OT Double

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Shift Afters

format 2: column A has name while values in column B are separeted with semi colon in only one line ... there is no repetition of name. So one line for name and values

AdrianBall Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Shift Nights;Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - OT Double;Wolvers ILS (Parity) excl WTD Grade 5 - Shift Afters

thank you again for trying to help me!!!