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Importing Text string from Word doc. to Excel/ Creating link


New Member
Hi Guys,

i have a weird question.i have a bunch of Job titles in an excel sheet,but the descriptions of those titles that i need to add to my sheet (in columnB for example)are all written in seperated word documents saved on my computer. like for the below example, i'll have Accountant.doc, Janitor.doc,Analyst.doc my question is: Is there a way to either create a link in column B that will open the corresponding Word document, OR IS there a way to import whatever is written in those Word doc. directly into Cell B3 without having to do it manually?

Column A Column B

Job Title Description

Accountant (MEMO blank Cell)



thank you so much for any help!!!!

Yes, using the Hyperlink() Function

It will be like:

=HYPERLINK(“//Server011 AdministrationAdministration.docx”,”Open Admin File”)


=HYPERLINK(“C:MyDocsAdministration.docx”,”Open Admin File”)

Have a read of: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/03/31/excel-hyperlinks/
Hi, budimu!

Give a look at this file:


You'll have to place a Word document with the Job Title name and extension .docx (changeable within the code) in the same folder as the workbook.

Column B is the Word retrieved description and column C is the linked file. Note that text retrieved from Word document is not formatted, just plain text.

Just advise if any issue.

Hi, budimu!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
