You can achieve this by using helper column in your raw data
paste below formula and drag till end and use this in your pivot table as sum.
You can put simply pivot table (value as StdDevp) or convert this =STDEV.P(E3:E33) formula into array with multiple criteria using if function
let say
j3 have 111013 (stock)
k3 have 1 (month)
l3 have 2015 (year)
Very nice question,
Excel skills set depends of level of excel knowledge (like formula and understanding of functions and other thinks)
please refer below very informative urls
skill set assignment
about skill set...
Use below formula in condition formatting
= INDEX($A$1:$A$5,SUMPRODUCT(($A$1:$E$5=C9)*ROW($A$1:$E$5)))
why does it include the header? - As we need to check difference (multiple of $5,000) between last paid off and current paid off that why have checked first paid off with header.
why is this not the full range of data? - you can increase range as per your requirement
why that portion...