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Search results

  1. xlstime

    Count number of occurrences in excel pivot

    Enclosed, please check
  2. xlstime

    Count number of occurrences in excel pivot

    You can achieve this by using helper column in your raw data paste below formula and drag till end and use this in your pivot table as sum. =IF(COUNTIFS($A$2:A2,A2,$B$2:B2,B2,$G$2:G2,G2)=1,1,0)
  3. xlstime

    STDEV and values

    Try this with ctl+shift+enter =OFFSET($F$1,MAX(IF(($A$3:$A$84=$J$3)*($B$3:$B$84=L3)*($C$3:$C$84=12),ROW(D3:D84)-1)),0)
  4. xlstime

    Count number of occurrences in excel pivot

    Hey Akash, Sorry but little confused, could you please share the sample output.
  5. xlstime

    STDEV and values

    One more array formula for cell n3 =INDEX($F$3:$F$84,MAX(IF(($A$3:$A$84=J3)*($B$3:$B$84=L3)*($C$3:$C$84=K3),ROW(D3:D84))+2)) with ctl+shft+enter
  6. xlstime

    STDEV and values

    Sorry mate, you have to enter with ctl+shift+enter (array formula)
  7. xlstime

    Use the dbsum formula with an empty value

    Very simple just replace your formula (cell e3) =IF(H2="","",H2)
  8. xlstime

    STDEV and values

    You can put simply pivot table (value as StdDevp) or convert this =STDEV.P(E3:E33) formula into array with multiple criteria using if function like let say j3 have 111013 (stock) k3 have 1 (month) l3 have 2015 (year) =STDEV.P(IF((($B$3:$B$84=L3)*($C$3:$C$84=K3)*($A$3:$A$84=J3)),E3:E84))
  9. xlstime

    Excel Skills Level

    Very nice question, Excel skills set depends of level of excel knowledge (like formula and understanding of functions and other thinks) please refer below very informative urls skill set assignment http://www.auditexcel.co.za/excel-skills-assessment/ about skill set...
  10. xlstime


    Array formula - cell j3 = =SLOPE(IF($B$3:$B$21=I3,$D$3:$D$21),IF($B$3:$B$21=I3,$E$3:$E$21)) with enter with ctl+shift+enter and drag
  11. xlstime

    Any way to convert H:MM to decimal value?? (e.g. 8:45 = 8.75)

    Just multiple with 24 for example =8.45*24 = 8.75
  12. xlstime

    conditional formatting help needed

    Very nice Bosco!!!..
  13. xlstime

    conditional formatting help needed

    and for mid (numbers) just simple =c9=b2 here c9 is the location of your drop down and b2 is starting point of matrix (values)
  14. xlstime

    conditional formatting help needed

    Use below formula in condition formatting row = INDEX($A$1:$A$5,SUMPRODUCT(($A$1:$E$5=C9)*ROW($A$1:$E$5))) col =INDEX($A$1:$E$1,,SUMPRODUCT(($A$1:$E$5=E9)*COLUMN($A$1:$E$5)))
  15. xlstime

    Is this possible in MS Excel Chart?

    I have used (in excel) normal image, you can use 3D image
  16. xlstime

    Is this possible in MS Excel Chart?

    Yes Kutty, Just right click on bar(in char) go to data format series than go to fill than choose Picture or texture fill and upload ur image file
  17. xlstime

    Count week in a month repetition

    Please help to understand, why June week 1 have 5 days? July week 1 have 10 days? try below formula - =WEEKNUM(A1)-WEEKNUM(A1-DAY(A1)-7)
  18. xlstime

    Copy cell results from A1 to b1 without formula

    Please upload sample file
  19. xlstime

    Help with excel formula

    OK, Change the formula L2 = =IF(K2="","",EDATE(K2,12))
  20. xlstime

    Calculate profit or loss

    Hi Suresh, See if this is ok
  21. xlstime

    How many combinations I would require

    nPr = n! / (n - r)! 5040
  22. xlstime

    Help with excel formula

    Hi, See the attachment to add 12 months use EDATE =EDATE(K2,12)
  23. xlstime

    Finding consecutive same numbers in rows

    Hey Mister bear, please refer below thread http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/determine-number-of-occurrences-in-trend.30603/
  24. xlstime

    Next Payment - Multiple of $5k is reached

    OK, why does it include the header? - As we need to check difference (multiple of $5,000) between last paid off and current paid off that why have checked first paid off with header. why is this not the full range of data? - you can increase range as per your requirement why that portion...
  25. xlstime

    Copy cell results from A1 to b1 without formula

    Do simple cut and move (cut (ctl+x) and paste on a1 (ctl+v))