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Finding consecutive same numbers in rows

Mister Bear

New Member
I am working on a 44 columns (P4:BG4) on a worksheet for monitoring daily sales of sales agents. It is company policy to call the attention of an agent once he has zero "0" sales for 2 consecutive days. On the next column (BH4) I would like to put in a formula that can trace two consecutive zeros. To count the days with no sales, I used:
which worked fine to give me the total number of no sales days. But now I have been asked to count the number of CONSECUTIVE DAYS with no sales. Can you please help me?
Hey Mister bear,

please refer below thread


I am working on a 44 columns (P4:BG4) on a worksheet for monitoring daily sales of sales agents. It is company policy to call the attention of an agent once he has zero "0" sales for 2 consecutive days. On the next column (BH4) I would like to put in a formula that can trace two consecutive zeros. To count the days with no sales, I used:
which worked fine to give me the total number of no sales days. But now I have been asked to count the number of CONSECUTIVE DAYS with no sales. Can you please help me?
You'd need additional condition to formula used in the link provided by xlstime, if your range contain blanks.

Also note that this will provide maximum consecutive days with 0 sales and will not count all consecutive days with 0 sales.

To count # of occurrences of consecutive 0 sales you can do.

Both formula confirmed as Array (CSE).
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