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Help with excel formula

Could you please help me creating the excel formulas?

1 - Everytime I enter a date in column K it should populate automatically the same date but one year ahead in column L (Ex: column K2 Aug 08, 2016 in Column L should be Aug 08, 2016. Note if for some reason there are empty cell on column K I would like the Cell in column L to remain empty too until I enter a date in column K

2 - If for some reason the date in column L is today's date or is over due and I haven't change date in column K I would like the cell in column L to remain highlited in red until I change date in column K. Note if for some reason there are empty cell on column K I would like the Cell in column L to remain not highlighted until I enter a date in column K


  • TEST.xlsx
    13 KB · Views: 5

See the attachment

to add 12 months use EDATE


Could you please help me creating the excel formulas?

1 - Everytime I enter a date in column K it should populate automatically the same date but one year ahead in column L (Ex: column K2 Aug 08, 2016 in Column L should be Aug 08, 2016. Note if for some reason there are empty cell on column K I would like the Cell in column L to remain empty too until I enter a date in column K

2 - If for some reason the date in column L is today's date or is over due and I haven't change date in column K I would like the cell in column L to remain highlited in red until I change date in column K. Note if for some reason there are empty cell on column K I would like the Cell in column L to remain not highlighted until I enter a date in column K


  • TEST.xlsx
    15 KB · Views: 8
Thx xlstime

it worked but would you help me correct something?

if cells in column K are empties, I would like for column L to not any date or highlight it in red unless I put a date in column K.

Please drag the formula to L5 and you will see that will highlight the cell in red and put date Dec 31, 1900

Change the formula

L2 = =IF(K2="","",EDATE(K2,12))

Thx xlstime

it worked but would you help me correct something?

if cells in column K are empties, I would like for column L to not any date or highlight it in red unless I put a date in column K.

Please drag the formula to L5 and you will see that will highlight the cell in red and put date Dec 31, 1900