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Search results

  1. xlstime

    How to write a code for SQL Query

    Last but best solution, if this is regular query then you can ask your DBA team to create stored procedure or view (this is one time activity from DBA end) then you can run query on this with your condition and if you still want to build query thru excel /vba then you have to create multiple...
  2. xlstime

    Transpose vertical values to horizontal

    Hope you got your answers with Bosco's formula, this is simple and easy to understand.
  3. xlstime

    How to write a code for SQL Query

    Because your query is too large and it may be challenging to verify or validate in VBE window.
  4. xlstime

    How to write a code for SQL Query

    Suggestion from my side - it could be better if you can save your query somewhere in excel sheet with dynamic changes and then pull query in your vba code.
  5. xlstime

    How to write a code for SQL Query

    Hi Ratan, if this is static thn you can convert this querey into one line.
  6. xlstime

    Transpose vertical values to horizontal

    HI GeraldDLT, See if this help
  7. xlstime

    Finding Best Match

    Hi Manny, Best match on what bases?
  8. xlstime

    Nested IF function also using OR

    try second formula =IF(AND(AP4="completed",IF(OR(I4="PP",I4="p"),IF(OR(M4="PP",M4="P"),IF(OR(O4="PP",O4="P"),IF(OR(Q4="PP",Q4="P"),TRUE,FALSE))))),"Pass","")
  9. xlstime

    Nested IF function also using OR

    your formula, revised version =IF(AND(AP4="completed",IF(OR(I4="PP",I4="p"),IF(OR(M4="PP",M4="P"),IF(OR(O4="PP",O4="P"),IF(OR(Q4="PP",Q4="P"),TRUE,FALSE))))),"Pass","Fail")
  10. xlstime

    Nested IF function also using OR

    try this simple formula - =IF(AND(AP4="completed",LEN(SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(I4,M4,O4,Q4),"P",""))=0),"Pass","Fail")
  11. xlstime

    Create dynamic list of candidates

    Hi Jb, Please see if this is ok
  12. xlstime

    ComboBox Search

    Hi sasuke, This is very conman requirement, i suggest first search this on google and this forum search option (top right). see below some useful urls - http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=179124 https://www.reddit.com/r/vba/comments/3o8rub/smart_search_on_userform_combobox_dropdown/...
  13. xlstime

    How to get rid off some symbols permanently in my excel sheet?

    Hi SONJOE, You can find and replace dashes "-" with zero 0 or filter out dashes in your formula only like =AVERAGEIF(P4: P102,"<>-",P4: P102) Also, i don't thing you need to remove dashes for calculation, dashes is already filter out in formula without doing anyting
  14. xlstime

    Leave Tracker

    Opps!!, Hi Rethish, XL2007 does not support networkdays.intl., request you to please make changes as per below url http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/494270-alternate-option-networkdays-intl.html
  15. xlstime

    VBA MS WebBrowser Controls

    Hahah @GeraldDLT, Chihiro trying to say, search your query on google first.
  16. xlstime

    Date and time format issue

    On my side both fields (dates) are same e.g. 5-Aug-2016
  17. xlstime

    Leave Tracker

    Hi Rethish, Have changed both (formula and conditional formatting), please check
  18. xlstime

    VBA for Sampling: Stratified random sampling

    Hi All, Have tried to built Sampling random Add-in, please review and let me know. This version, have built for more than one component (filed) or partition random values. If you want to use this for one or no partition value then just insert one column with same value (like 1 or 2) and run...
  19. xlstime

    Leave Tracker

    Hi Rethish, First change, conditional formatting Second change, NETWORKDAYS formula to NETWORKDAYS.INTL (NETWORKDAYS.INTL(start_date,end_date,16,holiday))
  20. xlstime

    Leave Tracker

    Hi Rethish Please take reference from below url http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/attendance-calendar-help.30988/#post-184476
  21. xlstime

    Need formula for back Calculation of ESI

    Could you please upload sample file with desire output ?
  22. xlstime

    Date and time format issue

    Hi Ram, If this is the case (as mentioned in excel), you can just add 0 to get proper formate.
  23. xlstime

    Change Column Chart Color Based on Cell Value or Cell Color

    Hi HanSam, This is possible thru VBA. See if this is OK.
  24. xlstime

    VBA for Sampling: Stratified random sampling

    Hi , Can anyone guide me how to make Sampling stratified random sampling
  25. xlstime

    Help with pivot tables - calculated item

    Hi Sunny, This is due to the calculated filed works on all rows thats why unnecessary rows comes. There is no way to remove these unnecessary rows, you only either calculate "difference" in your raw data or filter out "0" in pivot table Thanks