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Nested IF function also using OR

Janine McLean

New Member
I am trying to use a formula to find out if a person has passed a unit. In order to pass they must have column AP as "completed" first. The other columns must either have "P" or "PP". I have tried the following formula but it is failing to work and I can't get my head round it. Any help will be much appreciated.

try this simple formula -


I am trying to use a formula to find out if a person has passed a unit. In order to pass they must have column AP as "completed" first. The other columns must either have "P" or "PP". I have tried the following formula but it is failing to work and I can't get my head round it. Any help will be much appreciated.

your formula, revised version


I am trying to use a formula to find out if a person has passed a unit. In order to pass they must have column AP as "completed" first. The other columns must either have "P" or "PP". I have tried the following formula but it is failing to work and I can't get my head round it. Any help will be much appreciated.

your formula, revised version


Thanks - this actually makes more sense to me. I almost had it right but not quite!!
Actually, I have just tested it and if i4, m4, o4 and q4 are blank then the cell is still coming up as a "pass". If they haven't any entries in these cells then the end result needs to be blank.

In S4, formula copy down and the other column

