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ComboBox Search


how to create search function with combobox that give suggestions(like google), the combobox is in the userform. thanks
Hi sasuke,

This is very conman requirement, i suggest first search this on google and this forum search option (top right). see below some useful urls -


quote="sasuke, post: 186506, member: 33304"]how to create search function with combobox that give suggestions(like google), the combobox is in the userform. thanks

thanks for the repls, but i used this code
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim rng As Range, e
With Me
If Len(.TextBox1.Value) Then
For Each e In Sheets("sheet1").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Value '<--- here
If (e <> "") * (e Like "*" & .TextBox1.Value & "*") Then
.ComboBox1.AddItem e
End If
With .ComboBox1
If .ListCount > 0 Then .ListIndex = 0
End With
End If
End With
End Sub

but I type 1 character only, its like auto word select, i'd already switch false in the properties but it gives same result(auto select)