As you've been warned on other sites, please remember to include links to your cross-posts.
Welcome to the forum, Earth. Please create a new thread for your question as opposed to tacking onto the end of someone else's thread. You're more likely to get visibility of your question (since people will see a new thread with 0 responses), as opposed to here on a thread that's several years old.
I'm glad you were able to get your question solved. Please note that in the future, you should post links to any cross-posts you create(d).
Please follow all forum rules, including remaining civil to one another.
It does appear that multiple threads have been created with very similar topics. For now, I'll give benefit of doubt. To OP, I would suggest starting a new thread and clearly asking for help with whatever part you are...
I'm not 100% sure what you mean in condition #2, but try this:
Administrative Note:
Welcome to the forum.
We would very much like to help you with your query, however it has been brought to our attention that the same query has been posted on one or more other forums and you have not provided the required cross-post link(s) here.
Note: As you are new I...
Welcome to the forum. In the future, please remember to include links to your cross-post. Most online forums (including ours) have rules about this.
You're new, so just posting this as a...
Cleaned up code:
Sure thing.
Private Const C_NUM_DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION = 1 / 144
Sub TimeBombWithDefinedName()
' TimeBombWithDefinedName
' This procedure uses a defined name to store this workbook's
' expiration...
Assuming that you would multiply each percentage against the other (so apples-north gets 100% then formula in B17
Copy across and down to D20
Change the one line of code from this
"=VLOOKUP(A2,'" & sourceSheet.Name & "'!$A$2:$B$" & SourceLastRow & ",2,0)"
to this
"=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,'" & sourceSheet.Name & "'!$A$2:$B$" & SourceLastRow & ",2,0), 0)"
Please include links to your (many) cross-posts. Simply spamming a request across all forums w/o letting the respective members know is considered rude.
@Mark Carver
Please take a moment to review our forum Rules & Guidelines, specifically about cross-posting. Thanks.
Please remember to include links to your cross-posts, as called out in our forum Rules & Guidelines.