Edit: Typo
Sub SendEmails()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim strbody As String
Dim i As Long
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
'How much data is there?
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row...
You have cross-posted again to another forum w/o providing links: XIRR modification to ignore some columns (excelforum.com)
As you've already been previously warned in this thread about this, and continued to break the rules, this thread will be closed. Please remember to follow...
Address and MATCH function tell the formula to look in G9. Then you told it to offset 2 rows in the first OFFSET function, landing you on G11. Then you told the outer OFFSET to go down 1 row and over 2 columns, landing you in I12, which is a blank cell. Thus, the value is 0.
Overall, this is a...
Calculate duration, and then do a stacked bar chart using Start time and duration. Format the Start time series so that the duration bars appear to be floating.
With your example data, I'm assuming Branch was supposed to go from 11 am to 1 pm (you had till 1 am).
The processes don't appear to...
Per forum rules, remember to include you crosspost links:
Hi Pasadu,
If there's a specific forum member you'd wish to donate to, several have links in their signature, or the Excel Ninjas (volunteer forum mods) have links here: https://chandoo.org/forum/threads/donate-support-our-ninjas.18150/
If you wish to support Chandoo directly, his contact info...
We are not sure to what you are referring. You're not the author of this post, nor a previous poster in the thread. If you have a similar question, I'd suggest creating your own thread so others see a thread that hasn't been answered, and thus are more likely to reply.
There are two parts to the formula currently. One tries to do a lookup using the tiered system, and if that fails, it tries to find a Variable value. If that also fails, result is 0. The latter is easier, so I'll start there
This is a simple SUMIFS. To factor...
Like many things in Excel...."possibly". ;)
If it's a different tier or a new customer, that can be very easily added to existing table and formula will handle it. If it's a completely new thing that's not a tier or fixed %, I'd have to know more about what the new thing is. But, if you can...
Rather than replying to someone else's thread (especially an old one), you'll get more help if you start a new thread. You are welcome to link to other thread(s) for reference, but a new thread with 0 responses is more likely to catch the attention of other members, as they'll see that...
Not only is this a cross-post from Mr. Excel, but this is straight up just a homework assignment. You didn't even take the time to say which part you were having trouble with.
I checked out the file in a quarantined environment. There's no VBA in the file, and then I also perused the XML code. File only has two sheets, and everything checks out there. Not sure what was causing your machine to flag; but sounds like a false positive like you linked.
There is nothing in the code that currently makes a sound. Vletm's response is a bit sarcastic, but your question was like asking "Can we the default color of cells be white?" in the fact that there's nothing we need to do to make your request happen.
@vletm please remember to take care in your...
Formula would be:
You might have to change the formatting of G1 to display value as a date, if you just see a large number at first.
Nope, nothing wrong. Your request, as written, is just a bit more complex.
That said, I would argue that your plan is a bad plan. There's no reason to completely duplicate data from one sheet to another. Instead, just add the Notes field to the existing table in Transactions sheet. That way...