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Search results

  1. Busymanjohn

    Reset Drop Down List

    Hi guys, I have a couple of drop down lists ( Combo Boxes ) in a sheet in cells C16 and E16. I am looking for a code that will reset the drop down lists to <Select> which is the default choice in each list. The idea is to attach the code to Form Button for the users to click on. Any ideas?
  2. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hi Jolly ,,,, Sumproduct(--(C1:C10="Project Manager"),(D1:D10)) will return the sum of the salary for all instances where Project Manager appears in Col C ... you can add additional criteria as follows, Sumproduct(--(C1:C10="Project Manager")--(C1:C10="Site Manager"),(D1:D10))), which will sum...
  3. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hi, can you post a sample file for us to look at?
  4. Busymanjohn

    shuffling numbers in a column

    Hi guitarman ,, need more info ,, what is driving the reshuffle ?
  5. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Ok, so it sounds like you want to sum the values of more than one job title ,,, you should then definitely use Sumproduct ,,, but expand it a little ,,, same formula ,,, SUMPRODUCT(--(C1:C10="Site Engineer"),--(C1:C10="Site Manager"),--C1:C10="Project Manager"),(B1:B10)) Should work ok
  6. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Hi Jolly, You can use the same Sumproduct formula ( or sumif as also suggested ) using Col C in place of Col A.
  7. Busymanjohn

    Overlapping Dates, Gaps in Dates, Double Counting

    Ok, for this I think I would use a formula in the Days off Hire column ,,, to kick this off in the Days on Hire column I would have a calculation to work out the number of days between two dates ,, DATEDIF should be ok ( or NETWORKDAYS ), in the Days off Hire column I would put a second...
  8. Busymanjohn

    Conditional Excel Formula

    Sounds like you need a SUMPRODUCT .... assuming your range for names is A1:A10 and the wage is B1:B10. IN cell C1 type the name of a person, say Joe Blogs ,,, in cell D1 type SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A10=C1),(B1:B10))
  9. Busymanjohn

    If a range of cells has more than one value

    Hi, not quite what I am looking for ,,,, to be a bit clearer, the range BO10:BO21 has a zero value except when the formula ( IF SUMPRODUCT ) returns a value, which can be far greater than 2. What I am looking to do is, in cell BO6, return a value of 1 when two or more cells in the range...
  10. Busymanjohn

    If a range of cells has more than one value

    Hi, This should be easy, I have a range of data ,, say BO10:BO21, that contain results of an IF sumproduct, which returns a value of zero depending on the result, what I would like to do in another cell, say, BO6, is have a formula that returns a value of 1 if the range BO10:BO21 contains values...
  11. Busymanjohn

    Having some trouble

    Hi, I am going to test using Concantenate for the two variables, should work, but if not, I'll come back to you guys. Thanks.
  12. Busymanjohn

    Having some trouble

    Hi bobhc, a pivot table would be of little use, I have only given an example of what I need, there are multiple columns of data I need to return based on the 2 criteria, using a pivot table with this data would be as good as using a filter, besides, I want it to look "neat" ;-)
  13. Busymanjohn

    Having some trouble

    Hi guys, This should be easy, but maybe I have been staring at the data too long and I am not seeing what I should be doing ... I have a large list of data, col A has country names, col B has codes, col C has order types, etc etc. In a separate sheet I would like to be able to input a country...
  14. Busymanjohn

    Return which cell has a number

    hey guys, I trued both your formulas in a blank sheet and yes they both work, the cells in my workbook that I am referencing ( BB5:BM5) contain formula, so I need to back and check that those are running correctly ,,,,, will keep you posted, and thanks for the solutions, much appreciated.
  15. Busymanjohn

    Return which cell has a number

    Hi Narrayan, your formula returns the value 1 ,,,, needs to be 10, which shows me that the value within the range that contains the number 4 or greater is in the 10th column of the 12 columns in the range. Faseeh, your formula returns a value of 661. Any more ideas that I could try?
  16. Busymanjohn

    Return which cell has a number

    Hi guys, Poser for you, I have a range of data cells(BB5:BM5), so a total of 12 cells, only one of the cells in that range contains a number which is >=4, how do I return in another cell (BN5),which number from those cells contains a number >=4 ,,,, so e.g. in the range BB5:BM5, BK5...
  17. Busymanjohn


    Thanks Luke, works well, I will be adding to the formula in the coming days, so will come back to you if it comes unstuck. Thanks again.
  18. Busymanjohn


    Hey guys, this shouldn't be too difficult. I have two drop down lists, both are a list of order types, one for Manual (B9) and one for Remote (C9). I also have a country name in another cell (B6). I want to do a VLOOKUP based on the country ( B6 )and one of the order types ( B9 or C9 ). My...
  19. Busymanjohn

    Protecting Graphics in a cell

    Hi prasaddn, that's not enough, however, I did play around a little and found that when protecting the sheet in the pop up box uncheck Edit Objects, this protects all objects as well, but thanks for the reply as always.
  20. Busymanjohn

    Protecting Graphics in a cell

    Hi guys, I have been looking for a way to protect certain graphics within a worksheet, but failing. I have a sheet with cells populated with various data and I am protecting only certain cells within the sheet, however, some of those cells I am protecting also contain graphics or images and I...
  21. Busymanjohn

    Country Flags

    Hi srinidhi ,,,, a good idea, but I don't want to use a drop down menu, was looking for a solution that if I have a number of cells ,,, say A1:A10 each with a different country, then their corresponding country flag would appear in B1:B10. I'm not sure it is possible though ... any idea?
  22. Busymanjohn

    Country Flags

    Here's a question that should generate some discussion. In Excel 2003, is there a way to have a country flag show in say cell B1 depending on the country name in say cell A1. So if A1 said Croatia, B1 would should the country flag.
  23. Busymanjohn

    Countif problem

    hey Hui ,,, I understand that the first formula should return the result based on the 2 criteria, but the result returned ( 96 ) is incorrect, there are no costs >5000 in G2:G5080 with the date 2011,12,11 in B2:B580 ,,, the result should be zero .... and 96 is the number of blank ( or no...
  24. Busymanjohn

    Countif problem

    Hi guys ,,, I went with an extended version of the formula ... =SUMPRODUCT((B$2:B$5080=DATE(2011,12,11))*(G$2:G$5080>=5000)*(G$2:G$5080<100000)) ,,, rather than cap it at >=5000, this works fine, although I would still like to understand why the shortened version did not give the...
  25. Busymanjohn

    Countif problem

    Hi, I did use the SUMPRODUCT() formula but found that one of the ranges gave me incorrect result .... =SUMPRODUCT((B$2:B$5080=DATE(2011,12,11))*(G$2:G$5080>5000)) ... result should be 0 ,,, but i get a result of 96, which is the same result I get for blanks ( or no cost ),,, can you point me...