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Search results

  1. B

    Countifs and formulas

    Col S uses forumla =IF(Q4="","Overdue",IF(Q4>TODAY(),"Not Due","Overdue")) On a seperate worksheet, I have formula =COUNTIFS(Sheet2!A4:A1746,"BR",Sheet2!S4:S1746,"Not Due") gives a zero. Cell A4 = "BR" Cell S4 = "Not Due" How does COUNTIF or ...IFS work when a cell is populated by...
  2. B

    countif and date formula

    D1:D36 have dates. =COUNTIF(D1:D36,">4/12/2011") gives the cells > 4-12-2011. What if I want to count the cells > today()?
  3. B

    Deleting entire rows based on ones cells data or lack of data

    Looking for a way to delete entire rows based on multiple criteria. Any suggestions.
  4. B

    Save a post for later

    Is there a way to save a post (i.e. a draft copy) , to refer/send at later date?
  5. B

    Formula help

    =IF(ISBLANK(B210),"",IF(LEFT(P210,2)="SD","Slave Driven",IF(R210="-","","480v AC"))) If I use this formula in an blank worksheet w/bogus data, I don't get an error;it looks like it works fine. When I enter it into a database from an outside source i.e origingal equipment manuf. Excel kicks...
  6. B

    Tick mark in cells

    I have a large equipment database that a manufacturer created when our distribution center was built. In each cell, there is a "tick" mark (i.e. 'BELT CONVEYOR) preceeding the data. The mark is not visible when unless the cell is selected. Any significance to this, where does the mark come...
  7. B

    Unselecting a cell erroneously selected using mouse + ctrl key

    Anyone have an answer? I ran into this recently when recording a macro that removed empty rows from a downloaded query list in a maintenance mgmt system. Not the biggest issue on Chandoo.org but...
  8. B

    Error when downloading .

    Just wondering if anyone has run into this error. I get this error when I attempt to download from a Computerized Maintenance Management System database (Maximo) to Excel. Never got this error w/previous Office versions. Not getting anywhere w/own IT people. The file you are trying to...
  9. B

    VBA for status update

    Yes, the code works.. as far as col O is concened, I'd like to see the date/time when a change is made to col N. The initial code refereced col A and inserted time and date in col b upon a change in A. I edited the range for G6:G114 to insert date and time in col H upon a change in col G...
  10. B

    VBA for status update

    Col. O is not populating w/the date.
  11. B

    VBA for status update

    on the way
  12. B

    VBA for status update

    I added If Not Intersect(Range("A6:A114,G6:G114,N6:N114"), then inserted new col H and O. When data is entered into A and G it works fine, col B shows and date and time and col H shows date and time. Problem is Col N uses a formula based on data in cols. L and M, =IF(L6="","",(L6+M6))...
  13. B

    VBA for status update

    vj/hui, Thanks its working. I put the code in the workbook... Hui, Good point, can I add additional ranges i.e. Range("A6:A114,G6:G114.."). Knowing VBA it's probaly not that simple
  14. B

    VBA for status update

    I copied/pasetd the following code from another website to enter the date when something is updated/entered. So if anything is entered in cells the corresponding cell in col B is updated w/NOW(). Doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions? Keep it simple 'cause its 2am and VBA is almost Greek to...
  15. B

    date format in a table

  16. B

    date format in a table

    I've been working on a table/userForm for awhile now. His "Excelence", Hui, has given me quite alot of help. No one better. I'll give him a break and ask this question Col O Col P 4 12/1/2010 12/30/00 (=IF(ISBLANK(O4),"",Table1[[#This Row],[PM Comp Date]]+365)...
  17. B

    Code for UserForm

    Wouldn't Access be a little over kill for a data that wouldn't be used anywhere else, i.e. in a relational database. Just tracking when an asset has preventive maintenance performed on it.
  18. B

    Code for UserForm

    Unfortunately, Access for Dummies is on my Christmas list and may even be over my head, as far as Access goes.
  19. B

    Code for UserForm

    I have a small spreadsheet w/1700 rows of Assets ("Unit #). Column C is "Unit #", Col O is "PM Comp Date" col. Q is "Technician". The UserForm has 3 text boxes for the user to enter Unit #,PM Comp Date and Technician and also has two command buttons; 1 to Update Asset data and one to close the...
  20. B

    Unhide cells

    Oddly enough I tried that first and it didn't work. I had to go to the Cells group on the Home tap and change the cell format by using Visibility.
  21. B

    Unhide cells

    I hid all of the cells in a worksheet that were empty. How do I unhide??
  22. B

    Holiday Worksheet for Secret Santa

    For the holidays I'd like to create a worksheet that has a command buttons that when clicked, randomly generates a name from a list (A1:A17) and removes that name from the list to avoid duplicates.
  23. B

    Microsoft Date and Time Picker 6.0

    has anyone figured the date and time picker. After creating a drop down calendar and then opening the worksheet up again, the drop down window needs to be resized every time. Also, there's no way to copy and paste a calendar to multiple cells.
  24. B

    Pivot Table-Help

    I have a worksheet w/data that is used in a Pivot Table. The data contains cells such as: A B 1 Area Unit # 2 UP 12 3 UP 12SL1 4 UP 12SL2 When I sort by "Area", the Unit #'s w/SL1 or 2 get sorted at the bottom of the columns. How can I...