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Search results

  1. srinidhi

    Query on Bar waterfall chart

  2. srinidhi

    convert multiple tables (1 table/record) into a single table (1 record/row)

    The Transpose formula, can help you in converting rows to column & column to rows.
  3. srinidhi

    Pivot of two sheets having different type of data

    Hi Neha, you can do it, if your are using 2003 version, then use the Use Pivot Table Wizard. For 2007/10 use Alt, D, P & follow the Wizard steps.
  4. srinidhi

    Automatic Leave Balance Working

    The solved file is posted in this link https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7MlbNwyiUNHRGtwalpmY3NNV3c/edit?usp=sharing
  5. srinidhi

    Average of three minimum % out of six [SOLVED]

    =AVERAGE(SMALL(Data Range,{1,2,3}))
  6. srinidhi

    Macro to copy based on a multiple conditions

    Hi All, I need macro to copy & paste data from one sheet to another. The macro should copy the data based on the following conditions: Column B has NEW EMP & Old EMP, Column C has Month, Column H has list of clients if NEW EMP is there in Column B & month is equal to current month, if both...
  7. srinidhi

    Excel Formula to be used

    The best deal is Table, if you want a formula, In Sheet 2 Column1, add the unique names of all the persons & in Column2, enter the CountIf formula.
  8. srinidhi

    Compare variables and calculate

    Ok, in D I have just given the difference b/w Grade Median & Functional Median, if you want the new salary in D, then do a nested If in D, with the D & E formula given above. If this does not solve the problem. Post your workbook.
  9. srinidhi

    Compare variables and calculate

    Assuming A1 has the heading Salary, B1 Grade Median, C1 Functional Median, Difference in D1, & the New Salary in E1. Data starts from A2. In D2 enter this formula to get the difference b/w Grade Median & Functional Median IF(Grade Median<Functional Median, Functional Median- Grade...
  10. srinidhi

    FIND amount of days that appear in two periods

    First please set you date to a single format the first date 01/02/13 is dd/mm/YY format & 30/03/13 is in dd/mm/yy format. Assuming: A1 has 01/02/13 B1 03/30/13 A2 has 01/02/13 B2 02/05/13 Next Apply this formula =IF(a2>=a1,IF(b2=b1,(b2-a2)))
  11. srinidhi


    Please upload a sample file
  12. srinidhi

    Chart Data Help

    One simple way is to insert a column in your table for vales like 3 & 5, you can use the formula =RIGHT(cell number,1)to extract the value. Now if you draw a chart it will show as 3 & 5 & your table will show the values as 10^3-10^5. If you don't want to show the vales like 3 & 5 in your table...