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Chart Data Help


New Member
Hi, I am combining 4 sets of data on one chart, and one set of data is recorded as 10^3 - 10^5 I would like to keep the power of format in the table, but how do I convert the data to usable values for the chart.

The data is not based on logarithms, its more of a square percentage of area.


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Thanks Hui,

Sorry doesn't really apply as I have two charts over laid, one with single units showing temperature and ph values and the other decimals ranging between 0.5-1.0 and 10^3-10^5.

At present I have manually converted the powers to single units 3.0 - 5.0 respectively but I have been asked to show the power to values in the table, and I still want the corresponding chart. Effectively I want my table to show 10^3 and chart 3.00.

Any suggestions?
One simple way is to insert a column in your table for vales like 3 & 5, you can use the formula =RIGHT(cell number,1)to extract the value. Now if you draw a chart it will show as 3 & 5 & your table will show the values as 10^3-10^5. If you don't want to show the vales like 3 & 5 in your table just set their font colour to the sheet background colour .
Thanks fore your help, its definitely a possibility, it has also been suggested to label the column 10^x and inserting the value of x in the column only.

So either is a perfectly good solution.

Thanks All