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Search results

  1. S

    Finding earliest and last date in a range when condition met

    date in cell E6 is entered as text. check it using =istext(e6) and it will return the "TRUE". enter the date again and the formula will work. Edit: I would suggest you to use DMIN and DMAX for the purpose. I have done it in attached file. https://www.box.com/s/fa4390ffa1c222ebe246
  2. S

    Macro Basic

    Thanks Hui!!! even my boss says i have this tendency of overlooking small but important things!!! thanks again. :) :)
  3. S

    Excel and Word

    try this video link: http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&ved=0CGcQtwIwBg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_9ExKwXQ3KQ&ei=KjwRUIjGBo3RrQeCxIDABA&usg=AFQjCNFVNxYmp-7ZUt48voTve781caflZg&sig2=_hX0Ii6mxLs9U0NoUa-QcA or tutorial...
  4. S

    How to have excel automatically input pre-determined data into a cell?

    in this case after entering formula don't just press enter, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter all together or select the cell you have entered the formula >> press F2 >> press Ctrl+Shift+Enter all together
  5. S

    Macro Basic

    @jolly refer to this book: http://books.google.co.in/books?id=dtSdrjjVXrwC&pg=PA1&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Edit: http://www.jlathamsite.com/Teach/VBA/ProgrammingInExcelVBA_AnIntroduction.pdf
  6. S

    In the chart data source named ranges are replaced by references

    I have created few new name ranges and a new chart. see if this is the result you want: https://www.box.com/s/767c1a38192024023941
  7. S

    In the chart data source named ranges are replaced by references

    can you please upload your file with dummy data. Here is how to do it http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
  8. S

    In the chart data source named ranges are replaced by references

    That's how Excel does it. the Chart is still dynamic. did you try to change the criteria to see the result?? I have used same procedure and my Chart works pretty fine although it shows static reference in data source.
  9. S

    Creating a new formula

    @RUSSW None of your formula is working in my excel, I think you should use " , " in place of ";" in your match formula. Hui's formula shall work.
  10. S

    How find duplicate values ?

    to array enter formula- press Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter
  11. S

    List of Excel Functions in 16 Languages

    While surfing through internet I found this useful collection of Excel Functions in 16 Languages. I hope it can be useful for some. The link to download the file is here: https://www.box.com/s/6875ca537990e04e16c1
  12. S

    how to sum value form Rows with gap

    use this formula in cell C1 and then copy to others cells: =IF(AND(ISBLANK(A1),ISBLANK(B1)),"",A1-B1)
  13. S

    My IF formula has too many arguments

    Vijaysin2000: you have added few more closing brackets that's why the problem is there. Based on the syntax of formula the correct formula is...
  14. S

    Is it possible to find the names of all worsheets and store in the first sheet

    or you can do in this way: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/addin-to-insert-name-of-all-sheets-in-one-worksheet
  15. S

    Multiple results to display based on selection made from one drop down list

    follow the link: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/double-drop-down
  16. S

    problem in function

    Just to clear my doubt- Can you see the small square at right bottom corner of active cell ??? is it activated?? if not you have to activate this feature. in excel 2010- file>option>advanced>under "Editing Options">tick "enable fill handle and cell drag and drop" just...
  17. S

    problem in function

    The double clicking on the small square works only if the adjacent column left or right to the Active cells are filled and will be copied upto the maximum rows which are filled in adjacent columns. If you have any blank column in both sides you can not fill the cells with this method. try drag...
  18. S

    problem in function

    Sparcle Are you sure the problem is related to copying the formula downwards in column because the file is perfectly fine while i do that. There is one anomaly in Column K where you calculate the price of fuel- in first three rows it is multiplied with 40 then in next 3 rows with 50.
  19. S

    problem in function

    In which formula are you facing the problem in the Innova sheet?
  20. S

    VBA Drop down list based on dynamic Lists dependent on ref list attributes

    GiOP Please check the following file if I understood your issue correctly an is it the result you wanted. I did not see the VBA code. https://www.box.com/s/6bb7560de3356e2917f6 Remember Dropdowns in Data validation are not automatically refreshed while you change the criteria. you have to...
  21. S

    Doctors Consultation Fee Auto Calculation Category Wise

    Wiki80 Glad your problem is resolved.
  22. S

    Doctors Consultation Fee Auto Calculation Category Wise

    wiki80 See if this helps: https://www.box.com/s/a1678be29275696d0ac8
  23. S

    Need a way to summarise data from several worksheets into one place

    Hi Grumpy88 Welcome to the Forum. I hope you have gone through the first Three Posts in Green on Forum Page. Since you have posted a long description of your problem it always helps to post a sample workbook in order to visualize the data and understand the output/result required. Please...
  24. S

    hide column

    See if this code serves the purpose. The code looks if your target cell which compulsory requires value falls within A1-A10. If yes then it will ask for value if not then it will do nothing. You need to put the code in the required worksheet code window Sub worksheet_change(ByVal Target As...
  25. S

    Using a function across multiple worksheets

    kaushikk03 is right