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problem in function


New Member
Hi all,

I have a problem with below workbook,as functions written in column does not copy down to below & i have to write it again.

sparcle It is a lovely day, suns out people are smiling do not spoil it........give us some sort of a clue as to what you are in need of help with

Are you sure the problem is related to copying the formula downwards in column because the file is perfectly fine while i do that. There is one anomaly in Column K where you calculate the price of fuel- in first three rows it is multiplied with 40 then in next 3 rows with 50.
it may be i can't copy the formula downwards.

But i select the cells &double click on the small square button & it would copy all the formulas but it does not happen
The double clicking on the small square works only if the adjacent column left or right to the Active cells are filled and will be copied upto the maximum rows which are filled in adjacent columns. If you have any blank column in both sides you can not fill the cells with this method. try drag and fill method instead.
sparcle When you double click on the small square bottom right of a cell it will copy down as far as there is data to copy down too that is why cells I,J,K,do not copy down as there is no data to copy down to, cells M,P,Q copy down because there is data cells to the right. If you want cells to hold the formulas while empty us named ranges
thanks for comment.

Now leave all cols & other things.

I have formula in I5,K5 ,J5,M5 ,P5 & Q5 colms.

Pls tell me how to automatic copy all the formulas downwards to the respective cells.
Just to clear my doubt-

Can you see the small square at right bottom corner of active cell ??? is it activated?? if not you have to activate this feature.

in excel 2010-

file>option>advanced>under "Editing Options">tick "enable fill handle and cell drag and drop"

just asking to be sure that this is not the reason of the issue.
Hi, sparcle!

Tried yet with the old method? Ctrl-C & Ctrl-V. If so and it doesn't work, check Calculation mode, it should be in Automatic.

BTW, I double clicked in the "small square bottom right" on M6 cell, and it copied down properly thru M10 (last row).

Hi, sparcle!

Even I'm using 2010 version, I think that's not a problem with your file as I downloaded and opened it, then proceeded as wrote in my previous post and it worked.

I know you tried it yet, but give another try and:

- close all Excel instances that might be running

- start Excel

- open the uploaded file tr.xlsx

- it will display sheet Innova

- select cell M6

- check if you see the bottom right small black square

- a) if yes, double click on it (your mouse cursor becomes a plus sign), and check that M6 is copied thru M10

- b) if not, proceed as shailyog previously wrote, and then repeat these steps:

"in excel 2010-

file>option>advanced>under "Editing Options">tick "enable fill handle and cell drag and drop"

If that works, and never gets repeated, don't worry, something wrongly set, but if it happens again, there's a workbook that's changing your settings, try to identify it (it should end in .xls, .xlsb, .xlsm, but not .xlsx).

If that doesn't work, well, I think you'll have to consider getting online support. Do you use LogMeIn or TeamViewer or any other remote assistance software?

Hello sparcle I have uploaded a file that gives named ranges, 30000 in each column for plenty of data input, you will be able to see what I have done by looking at the formulas and the name manager, there is a string of zeros in the empty cells start to enter data and they will disappear, some cells are set to auto fill with the data as you enter it https://dl.dropbox.com/u/75495784/Copy%20of%20tr.xlsx

Thak you sir co-operation. sir my workbook ends with .xlsx.

Is there any problem in that.

Yes i use TeamViewer software.
Hi, sparcle!

If your workbook is an 2007/2010 .xlsx file, it can't have VBA or macros, so you can discard that it's a problem related to that specific workbook.

About TeamViewer, do you have any support service whom you can call to enter and check your computer remotely?

If you haven't, I don't recommend you to post your TV Id and Password, not even if you are going to change it immediately after. But if you post an email address I'd drop an email and you can send them there. Don't promise anything, but I'm unable to find a clue to what might be.

Hi SirJB7,

Continuously following this thread.. I have read his mail id also ;)..

Eager to know the problem and solution..

Please post the Problem and solution after Remote Session..

Best of Luck..
Hi, sparcle!

Sorry, but my internet connection failed. It's now restored.

Up to what I could see, the double click option works, if not always I'd bet for keyboard or mouse issues probably, if any wireless.

About your Excel settings they were correctly as standard.

And about your formulas between M6, J6, J8, K2 & L2 cells, I didn't understand what was wrong if something was. You could post here your question if you still have any trouble.

You're welcome.

Hello sparcle,

If you are looking to automatically copy down the formula, whenever enter a new line. convert your data to Table format, so whenever you enter a new line all the formula in the columns will copy to below cells.

See the below link about Data tables.


