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Search results

  1. G

    Vlookup with duplicates

    I have a list of players scores in a sheet and I pull the results into another sheet where the list is sorted by wins and losses etc. Some players play for more than one team and my formula (=VLOOKUP(AU4,'2012'!A5:AU296,41,FALSE)) only grabs the first found score and does not pick up the second...
  2. G

    Conditional format problem

    Thanks SirJB7, would not function but after some playing around I managed to get your formula to work. Must have had previous CF on the row stopping it from working possibly?. Looks good now, that's awesome!
  3. G

    Conditional format problem

    Thanks Hui But it does nothing, here is a link to a sample sheet; http://speedy.sh/vk8AB/LeagueTest.xls If F value = J9 value and H >70% - cond. format H value pink
  4. G

    Conditional format problem

    Thanks Montrey, I tried to enter this if(and(rowvalue=1,F9=J9) as a formula in conditional formating and nothing happens. The F9 value is to be tested on each row (not static F9) Basically, if a row value in H col = 100% and the same row value in F Col = value in J9 (static) then highlight...
  5. G

    Conditional format problem

    How can I conditionally format numbers in H col if row value is 100% and if RC[-2] (F col) value = J9
  6. G

    Filter names with sheet name

    Thanks Luke M I've played with the advanced filter but it drives me nuts. I get dialogs galore thrown at me like 'database or list range not valid' or 'Excel cannot determine which row or selection contains column labels' or something about 'not being the active sheet' etc etc. In saying that...
  7. G

    Filter names with sheet name

    I have 18 years of a pool comp results and I would like to normalize the names (col A). Is there a way to pull all unique names with the sheet name (year) attached into another sheet so I can then go to each sheet and correct the duplicate names, eg; P Smith, Pete Smith, P J Smith, Peter Smith...
  8. G

    Copy paste formula problem

    Thanks SirJB7 Would be just as much work as Copy/paste formula to many cells on outside row and cut/paste every second one back, but that's labor intensive, I thought there might be a short cut the experts know of??
  9. G

    Copy paste formula problem

    I have a years results table pulling data from another weekly sheet with this formula =SUM('2012'!B21,'2012'!C21),"") I would like to copy/paste this to each cell in row but offset the columns by one eg next cell; =SUM('2012'!D21,'2012'!E21),"") but what I get is...
  10. G

    Count W in alternate cells

    Thank You Hui, your a champ!!.
  11. G

    Count W in alternate cells

    I have a pool score sheet and need to count the wins "W" in alternate rows Each row has Name in col 1 then game results "W","L" or is blank in each col For each date (top row) there is two cols, one doubles, one singles result Eg; A B C D E F G H I .... Z 1 2-Apr 9-Apr...