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Conditional format problem


New Member
How can I conditionally format numbers in H col if row value is 100% and if RC[-2] (F col) value = J9
Thanks Montrey, I tried to enter this if(and(rowvalue=1,F9=J9) as a formula in conditional formating and nothing happens. The F9 value is to be tested on each row (not static F9)

Basically, if a row value in H col = 100% and the same row value in F Col = value in J9 (static) then highlight value in pink background color.

How do I write it so the F9 value is relative to each row

I think it should be


It doesn't need the If() to surround the formula

If this doesn't help can you post your file so we can see what is going on.
Thanks Hui

But it does nothing, here is a link to a sample sheet;


If F value = J9 value and H >70% - cond. format H value pink
Hi, Gazzal!

Give a look at this file:


Thanks SirJB7, would not function but after some playing around I managed to get your formula to work. Must have had previous CF on the row stopping it from working possibly?. Looks good now, that's awesome!
Hi, Gazzal!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
