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Count W in alternate cells


New Member
I have a pool score sheet and need to count the wins "W" in alternate rows

Each row has Name in col 1 then game results "W","L" or is blank in each col

For each date (top row) there is two cols, one doubles, one singles result


A B C D E F G H I .... Z

1 2-Apr 9-Apr 16-Apr 23-Apr ....

2 John X W L L W W W L W .... 3

3 Bill O L W L L L W .... 2

I need to count the number of wins "W" for each SINGLES game in rows C,E,G,I etc

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

This should solve your problem

=SUMPRODUCT((B2:Z2 ="W")* (MOD(COLUMN(B2:Z2), 2) =1))

If you want to understand what is happening have a read of


and for the Columns: B,D,F etc try:
