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Copy paste formula problem


New Member
I have a years results table pulling data from another weekly sheet with this formula


I would like to copy/paste this to each cell in row but offset the columns by one

eg next cell;


but what I get is;


Is there a way to do this?
Hi, Gazzal!

Not directly, but has a workaround.

As you have relative cell references in your formula (B21 & C21) when you copy to next cell in row Excel will keep fixed the row (21) and shift one column (to C & D) because you're pasting in a "one column to the right" cell. To obtain what you want you should copy formulas to a cell two columns to the right. And then you can hide the intermediate unwanted column.

Thanks SirJB7

Would be just as much work as Copy/paste formula to many cells on outside row and cut/paste every second one back, but that's labor intensive, I thought there might be a short cut the experts know of??

A couple of things

Your formula


Can be simplified to


Assuming you are starting in Row 2


should do the trick

As you copy it down it will increment the offset 2 rows to the right for each row you copy it down