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Search results

  1. N

    Need a Variable formula and cannot figure it out.

    Thank you. This is much easier than I was trying to make it.
  2. N

    Need a Variable formula and cannot figure it out.

    Hi, I have a pivot table where I have pulled data for 2013. The data I have is, item number, date ordered, quantity ordered and the sales amount. So for example if I have oranges, below it it shows order date of 1/1/2013 and the amount ordered and other dates that oranges were ordered. My...
  3. N

    Need Help With a Formula

    Hi everyone! I know how to use vlookups, hlookups, etc. However, I am wondering if there is a formula in Excel that can help me with this. Say I have actual 2013 numbers by month. Jan, Feb, Mar and so on. Under each of the months I have actual sales numbers and some months have a return...
  4. N

    Budgeting Spreadsheet

    Hi - I cannot use dropbox as it is blocked on our servers. Does it reside in the Excel template file that is loaded with Windows?
  5. N

    Budgeting Spreadsheet

    Hi Everyone! I do not have an issue, but I am looking for some guidance from the advanced users on a budget spreadsheets for business. I have Googled budget spreadsheets and it mostly personal out there. Here is my situation. I have to run it by distributor by month and at this point under...
  6. N

    Vlookup Help - Need 2 Criteria [SOLVED]

    Hi - I actually got it playing around with it. I needed to specific in the match where to look. =VLOOKUP(A4, Sheet1!A:F, MATCH( 'By Pump Size'!O2, Sheet1!A$9:F$9, 0), FALSE) Thanks for all your help.
  7. N

    Vlookup Help - Need 2 Criteria [SOLVED]

    Hi - I tried the formula and it still does not work. In my pivot - I have each size .25, .50, .75". Then I have months 1 - 5. For this year only. I have sum of extended quantity and I have sum of extended price. Here is the formula that I used and it only returned .25" instead of my...
  8. N

    Vlookup Help - Need 2 Criteria [SOLVED]

    Hi Everyone, I am working on an excel spreadsheet where I need to lookup the value of 2 items. For example, I need to lookup everything that is a .25 for sales by the month, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on. So my vlookup is this: =VLOOKUP(A4, Data!, MATCH('By Pump Size'!O2, Data!AK:AL, 2, False))...
  9. N

    Need help with an Excel Graph

    Hi, I cannot see anything from dropbox, we have it blocked. Can you e-mail me at xxx ? Thanks.
  10. N

    Need help with an Excel Graph

    I know some of you out there are excellent with Excel charts so that is why I posting this. I am in need of a graph that looks like a bucket in some sense. I want to show my PY Order numbers as a flat line across. Than I want to show my current year orders as another line, and we are down so...
  11. N

    Another VLookup Question [SOLVED]

    Sorry everyone. I got it figured out after about a hour of messing with it. Somehow things were locked and not looking up properly. It is now working. You can either delete for put Solved.
  12. N

    Another VLookup Question [SOLVED]

    I am working on a price comparison sheet. I have my overall sheet of all items numbers with pricing. I have different worksheets set up for each competitor with their similar products and their pricing. In my worksheet all my vlooksups are working well except for one of the competitors tabs...
  13. N

    VLookup Question

    The pivot I am pulling is from a database and I need to understand each of my distributor's, orders for this year vs. prior year and it also ranks the distrubitors based on orders - 1, 2, etc. So in my main view I have all my distributors listed in a pretty form with their numbers. I hit a...
  14. N

    VLookup Question

    Hi, The formula still is not working. In my pivot table - column A is the vendor name. And Odessa is listed three times. In column B is the amount of current orders. So in my main sheet - I have Odessa Listed and CYTD #'s. Usually with a Vlookup - I would click on the cell in the main sheet...
  15. N

    VLookup Question

    Hi Deb, thank you for your help. In your formula, where would I put my range to lookup? This is what I tried and it gave me an error. =VLOOKUP(("ODE" & *, Lookup!A278:B316, 2, No, True) I know I am doing something wrong. Just cannot figure it out. Thanks.
  16. N

    VLookup Question

    Hi, I have a question regarding VLookup. I have a company called Odessa, however, they have three different accounts with three different names. I am trying to create a one line lookup of all three accounts. Is there a way to do a V lookup with some paramaters like _Vlookup, "ODE" ...
  17. N

    Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This

    Got it. Thank you. Now that I see it, it makes complete sense to have two different charts.
  18. N

    Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This

    For some reason, I can access hotfile, but cannot download it. We are blocked from doing anything like that. Can someone e-mail it to me at: Nikki91775@XXXXXXXX.com? EDIT: 1st time using my power.. :) as you have already got the file..
  19. N

    Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This

    Thank you all. I am trying to download the file now. I am hoping I can with our firewalls, etc. I will let you know.
  20. N

    Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This

    Hi - I cannot use dropbox as it is blocked at my company. Can you use hotfile? Thanks.
  21. N

    Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This

    Do not have a data file right now. Try it with random data please. Thanks.
  22. N

    Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This

    Hi, I am trying to do an analysis of some data that I have from 2012 and 2013 on about 12 items. I have to show by month the sales, quantity ordered and % of change. I would like to create a chart similar to the one attached, but when clicking on it, it will not take me to the information to...
  23. N

    Conditional Formatting is Not Working

    Narayan, Thank you for your help and I apologize if any of it was confusing. I cannot access dropbox from work as we have it blocked. Can you send it to me via e-mail?
  24. N

    Conditional Formatting is Not Working

    My issue is this - 4th column over, 49 and 47 are definitely more than 0 and they should be colored red. I had to take the conditional formatting out and color them myself because it did not recognize that they were more than 0.
  25. N

    Conditional Formatting is Not Working

    Yes, I agree with you, but I want those cells to remain colorless until I put numbers in the actuals and that is my if N42=O than it is blank. I have changed the number in the pivot table to actualy reflect numeric value and still did nothing Is there a way I can get rid of N42=O and say...