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Need help with an Excel Graph

I know some of you out there are excellent with Excel charts so that is why I posting this.

I am in need of a graph that looks like a bucket in some sense. I want to show my PY Order numbers as a flat line across. Than I want to show my current year orders as another line, and we are down so it would be below the flat line. So we want an open space so we know we need countermeasures to get to the number. Then I need just two points at the top of the straight line showing our plan number and stretch number.

So lets just say this is what I have to plot:

Stretch Target = 10

Plan Target = 9

Actual Orders = 7

PY Orders = 8

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Have a look at:


It uses similar techniques as described here


Except that it uses a Scatter chart as the base