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Want to Create a Graph that Looks Like This


I am trying to do an analysis of some data that I have from 2012 and 2013 on about 12 items. I have to show by month the sales, quantity ordered and % of change. I would like to create a chart similar to the one attached, but when clicking on it, it will not take me to the information to see how it was set-up. Can anyone help me with maybe how to get this done? Or if you have any other ideas how to make this kind of information look good, send them my way.

Hi Nikki,

Do you have any data file or should i try it with random data?

Edit: Please check this file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/60644346/Nikki.xlsx

Just incase "Dashboard Guru" wants to post one more Dashboard legend..


@ Nikki..

You can found Faseeh's file here also..



For some reason, I can access hotfile, but cannot download it. We are blocked from doing anything like that. Can someone e-mail it to me at: Nikki91775@XXXXXXXX.com?

EDIT: 1st time using my power.. :) as you have already got the file..

Feel free to tell me if you need any further help! and fell free to use power in future as well :)
