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Need a Variable formula and cannot figure it out.

Hi, I have a pivot table where I have pulled data for 2013. The data I have is, item number, date ordered, quantity ordered and the sales amount. So for example if I have oranges, below it it shows order date of 1/1/2013 and the amount ordered and other dates that oranges were ordered. My pivot table is only three columns, A, B, C.

What I am looking to do is this. Need to find all items numbers where the value is greated then $2,000 for price paid, then Quantity ordered is greater than 100 and they ordered more than 6 times.

I know I would need three variables in the formul and I have tried CountIf's, but I cannot get it to work. Any ideas?
What you can do is rearrange your pivot table:
  • Report Filter > place Quantity and filter-out everything below 100
  • Report Filter > place Sales amount and filter-out everything below 2000
  • Row Labels > place Item Numbers
  • Values > Item Numbers and set to Count of...
  • Values > Quantity and set to Sum of...
Now you have a table with your list of Item numbers for your next step to filter-out the orders below 6 times