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Zebra lines at only visible lines


New Member
We already saw how to make zebra lines (conditional formatting)

Now I want to filter records in a certain colom and still have remaining on/of zebra lines. The formula using =mod(row();2)does not work because it takes alle rows, not only visible. Anyone?

hilcom - Bob, Netherlands
You can use the Table Formatting options of the Tables to do this without using Conditional Formatting.

It can apply zebra stripes to the filtered data within a table.

Although a table format is working nice it must be possible to choose only <visible lines> by selecting properties or something like that. Disadvantage of the table formatting is that it means a fixed number of lines and that is what I do not like. When I filter say, 1000 lines to display 25 (and calculate on some rows) I still want the up/down coloring.


Bob Hilderink, NL, Hilcom

When using Excel Tables I am referring to Selecting an area and converting it to a table using Insert Table.

Once done and filters applied the rows maintain there zebra stripes after filtering.

If you add additional rows/columns they also take on the same formatting and applied filters provided they are directly adjacent (without any spaces) to the table.

Table formatting isn't limited to fixed number of lines ?

Can you be more specific about what your doing, what version of Excel etc ?