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XY Scatter is not in line with Graphs


I am creating a trend chart to show my daily orders, forecast number and then the variance. The daily orders and forecast numbers are ina line format. Then I have my variance as an XY scatter. I am also listing the days of the month that we book orders and we are a day behind so the last day is day 20. The issue I am having is my Variance has all the correct data labels, etc, but it is not in line with my line graphs, it is shooting way off to the right. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All the series must have the same X Axis series, check that first

If that doesn't help can you post a sample file ?

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Thank you for your help. I am not sure what my first chart was doing, but I re-created the chart and now it is working fine.