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New Member
Hello all,

I hope that someone with a brain strong than mine can provide some assistance with VLOOKUP NA errors.

I have Excel tables that I am using the following VLOOKUP formulas on. As expected they return the #N/A error when no data is found.

=VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B4, T2Info, 20, FALSE)&", "&VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B5, T2Info, 21, FALSE)

=VLOOKUP(C4, T2Info, 18, FALSE)

My need is to have a blank cell returned instead of the #N/A error.

I have tried many things including ISNA and ,””, and nothing is working.

Please help if you can as I am going bald from pulling my hair out.

Thank you,


Does this work?

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B4, T2Info, 20, FALSE)&", "&VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B5, T2Info, 21, FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B4, T2Info, 20, FALSE)&", "&VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B5, T2Info, 21, FALSE))

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C4, T2Info, 18, FALSE)),"",=VLOOKUP(C4, T2Info, 18, FALSE))
From Excel 2007 on you can use:

=iferror(VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B4, T2Info, 20, FALSE)&", "&VLOOKUP('Outbound Agent Count'!B5, T2Info, 21, FALSE),"")

=Iferror(VLOOKUP(C4, T2Info, 18, FALSE),"")
oldchippy & Hui,

I was working in 2003, so used oldchippys suggestion.

Brilliant!!! I was able to use the input on other data points throughout the spreadsheet.

iferror is definitely in my arsenal.

Thank you both so much for your help.
