So, in column F, I want to look up the "Lookup Ref" and return the value in column E, if the "Lookup Ref" appears in either column A,B,C or D
Im assuming it will be more of an =IF(OR( Formula than a lookup but not sure how to write it when a whole column of data is involved
A, B, C, D, E, Lookup Ref
129 123 126 130 Bread - 123
122 123 122 122 Orange - 122
120 118 124 127 Grape - 121
119 119 123 124 Mars - 120
So, in column F, I want to look up the "Lookup Ref" and return the value in column E, if the "Lookup Ref" appears in either column A,B,C or D
Im assuming it will be more of an =IF(OR( Formula than a lookup but not sure how to write it when a whole column of data is involved