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Vlookup, Hlookup, Index, Match, Sumifs & Countifs : How to lookup in Database


New Member
Dear All
I've been trying to find a solution to create for my long list database a lookup formula with a sumif criteria in 2 columuns and a header search :
For the RawData in Col A3 has the contract number, Col B3 Delivery period, Col C3 Start Month, Col D3 the Start Quantity; Col E3 End Period & Col F3 End Quantity.
In my global overview Row A16 , I need to have formula wich calculates the totals for each month, for each contract & for each delivery time I manually insert.
Thanks for your help


  • Database Lookup & Sumifs.xlsx
    12.6 KB · Views: 40
C20: =SUMPRODUCT(($A$4:$A$14=$A20)*($B$4:$B$14=$B20)*(($C$4:$C$14=C$19)*($D$4:$D$14)+($E$4:$E$14=C$19)*($F$4:$F$14)))
Copy/paste to fill the rest of the Global overview area
I'd also apply a Custom Number format of: 0,000;;"";@
Super Hui, thanks for your very fast reply. Works perfectly. But I have a small question, what if the Start Month (Col C3) is equal to End Month (Col E3), my global overview does not show the quantities in the correct row.
Try this revised formula in C20:
Whoops, My Bad

I forgot to ask you to change the following cell values

Last edited:
Good Day,
I have a similar question. However instead of summing by product, I would like to populate the unique fields from lookup of duplicate ones (uploaded sample)

Basically, a Index / Match / VLookup type command / function that will traverse the table rows and populate specific columns with its related unique data (i.e. AssetID, Edition, Version, etc.)
Two Tabs
Source: SoftwareFeed file Column Headers --
A | B | C | D

Destination: Inventory.xlsx file - Column Headers

A | B | C | D | E | F....
SoftwareName|AssetID|Edition|Qty|Price| etc.
Each destination file is per SoftwareName. From the destination file, I want to populate this table of the related columns based on Software Name.

Unfortunately, both Index / Match and VLookup will only found the first occurrence of many based on the software name.

Inventory Tab
Formula in B3:D:8
Formula in K3:K8

Sample output on inventory tab (A13:D25)
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


  • SoftwareTableQuestion.xlsx
    22.2 KB · Views: 13
Hi ,

With all your explanation , I am still not able to understand what you want ; what is the table in the range A3 through D8 ?

What is the table in the range A14 through D25 ? If your table tblSWRFeed is sorted on the columns A , B , C and D , in that order , you get this.

Can you explain what exactly you wish to do ?
