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visual basic issues


New Member
Good afternoon, I am lost. I am trying to create a form, that will help me orgaize my employees by level of experise. I have 6 employees and product types such as cars and product items such as GM.I am trying to create a dropdown menu where i can pick the type of product then the type of item and it will show me who is qualified to work on this item. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I recommend taking a look here:


and here:


For your situation, I'm guessing the latter is the one who'll have to use.

welcome to chandoo. I've learned so much from reading posts and the help of others on here.

I had something similar to what you are looking for I think in one of my recent projects. Take a look a let me know. I'm sure there are many ways to do this, probably better ones, but this may work.

Sheet1 - enter your criteria under the yellow headings. Sheet2 - hosts the drop down buttons and your answer.

I used objects as drop down rather than data validation because you can format the object text and you can't in data validation. you mentioned you were going to put it in a form.


Most of the ninjas will probably laugh at the complicated setup, but I have to start somewhere...I'm learning. :)

btw, I just noticed your title is Visual Basic. I did this all in excel formulas...no VB, not sure if that will work for you.


Sorry for arriving at dessert time. I just read the topic that arcplus started and Luke M's guidelines and your file. I downloaded your file, went to Qualified Person column (N) and found:

a) with suprise because of your last comment, a very nice and well constructed array formula

b) a lot (9) named ranges with invalid references (delete them)

So, despite that ninjas (and most users too) don't laugh at things done by nobody (exception made of themselves and after certain knowledge about the other) and even less if it's somebody that's learning... I think that while looking at your workbook I can laugh -but just a little- because of the colors used for shading :))) But not much more...


the array formula is complements of Luke I believe...or another ninja's post that I adapted. you're right, I should have deleted the named ranges...those copied over from my workbook that I previously copied...they don't apply to this workbook. I didn't name any ranges in this example so the original poster might follow and see where the formula is looking easier.

thank goodness my job isn't a graphic designer, but financial analyst.



Well, no matter what's the source, you're using it. And you could adapt it to provide as an example to help others. That are no simple newbie's skills.



PS: thanks Nietzsche I can still laugh... but only a little :)))

Please don't think of your worksheets as poor or bad

You have made steps to extending your use and understanding of Excel and are using it to get meaningful results, Well Done.

My issue is located here.


I must create a front page that when I choose type of product, it will send me to classification of product then to supplier. The report has to show which employee has what skill level, eith needs training (red), trained (green) or expert (purple). I do not know what to create this in, do I use Macro`s, pivot table or VB.
Hi, arcplus!

It seems as if your posting this issue twice, here's the link to the other:


Perhaps you'd want to read the three green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

I'd humbly point out to give special attention to the third green sticky topic (http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/phd-forum-posting-rules-etiquette-pls-read-before-posting), and particularly to the 15th. paragraph:

"Cross Posting, generally it is considered poor practice to cross post, that is to post the same question on several forums in the hope of getting a response quicker.

If you do cross post, please put that in your post.

Also if you have cross posted and get an answer elsewhere, have the courtesy of posting the answer here so other readers can learn from the answer also, as well as stopping people wasting there time on your answered question."

And 16th too.

Hi, lauracurnowasw007!

Your last post seems to be spam. Am I wrong?


@Luke M


Thanks, but now my post seems a little off the hook.

Shooting again please... and maybe too for yours and this one too, so as to keep topic clean.
