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VBA stops randomly


Suddenly a whole bunch of files (that have the same structure and simply different data) don't work! It seems that they stop in the middle of VBA execution. F8 stepping thereafter seems to work fine. The execution stops at rather random points in the code.
The most prevalent it seems says:

I can't get anything done this way and looking for bugs seems very unlikely. I've tried putting in pauses but that didn't help either. It just seems to move the problem around in the code.

Moved to VBA/macros

From time to time for a number of reasons computers can do odd things

Restarting Excel and then the PC can allow things to reset
In really bad cases re-installing Excel or even the operating system can be required.

I have seen loose power connections and loose memory chips result in odd/strange performance in applications including Excel, so just worth keeping the above in mind.
Yes. Phantom breakpoints! That's how it was behaving. And on top of that, the "breakpoints" were only semi-consistently placed. It started at the one line I reported here and spread to a number of others.

Since I'm in computer technical services, it looked like a software problem. And, not knowing of Phantom Breakpoints, I tackled the computer - ran malware scanners (which found little but not zero but not terrible things) - deleted some unneeded/questionable? programs. And, oh yes, I *had* rebooted before anything else to no avail.
Whatever all that did, it seemed to work and now things are working fine.
Note that in my ignorance I did NOT use any of the suggested "Excel" fixes.
The problem persists. I have not reinstalled Office nor the OS as, in my experience, this kind of problem isn't likely to be lurking there. I've run the Code Cleaner program a few times and it doesn't seem to do anything. Well, that is, it doesn't help AND it runs so fast that one almost doubts that it did anything.
I suppose one could do those steps manually but that seems a chore...