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VBA Add values in a form


I'm creating an input form in Excel using VBA

one field contains contract_admin_costs

another field contains contract_staff_costs

I want a third field to add contract_admin_costs and contract_staff_costs and input the answer in a third field as soon as the two other fields are input by the user, I know this is really easy in excel but how do I programme a field in VBA to do this?

Can you upload a sample file so we can see what your doing and possibly assist you?

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Sure, it is the Officer Form

when a user inputs staff costs and then admin costs I want the admin plus staff costs field to add and fill automatically

staff costs: 1000

admin costs: 500

staff plus admin: 1500 (adds and fills automatically)

Try this:

Private Sub Text_Contract_Admin_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text_Admin_Plus_Staff.Value = CDbl(Me.Text_Contract_Admin.Value) + CDbl(Me.Text_Staff_Costs.Value)
End Sub

Private Sub Text_Staff_Costs_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text_Admin_Plus_Staff.Value = CDbl(Me.Text_Contract_Admin.Value) + CDbl(Me.Text_Staff_Costs.Value)
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.Text_Staff_Costs.Value = "0.00"
Me.Text_Contract_Admin.Value = "0.00"

End Sub
Try this:

Private Sub Text_Contract_Admin_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text_Admin_Plus_Staff.Value = CDbl(Me.Text_Contract_Admin.Value) + CDbl(Me.Text_Staff_Costs.Value)
End Sub

Private Sub Text_Staff_Costs_AfterUpdate()
Me.Text_Admin_Plus_Staff.Value = CDbl(Me.Text_Contract_Admin.Value) + CDbl(Me.Text_Staff_Costs.Value)
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.Text_Staff_Costs.Value = "0.00"
Me.Text_Contract_Admin.Value = "0.00"

End Sub
Ok, thanks for reply, but what is CDbl ?

Would it be possible to put the code in the file and upload it back to dropbox again?
CDbl converts the text string to a double floating decimal number

On your userform, double click somewhere and paste the code in :)
Can I ask you also, if I were to create this form in Access would the code be the same?

Are the rules for VBA the same in Excel and Access?
Unless it is pulling any data from sheets I imagine it should be ok. If you pull data from sheets you will need to create a table and refer to that