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Userform ListBox: What difference does it make wether I populate with .AddItem or with an array?


Hi everyone!

I just tried populating a userform using this piece of code:

Set rFilter = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("data").ListObjects("Table5").DataBodyRange
With Sheet2
  If Not .AutoFilterMode Then .Range("A1").AutoFilter
  If Not ligne = "" Then
  rFilter.AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:=ligne
  End If
  If Not code = "" Then
  rFilter.AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=code
  End If
  If Not lot = "" Then
  rFilter.AutoFilter field:=4, Criteria1:=lot
  End If

  On Error GoTo attheend 'exit sub if the following line creates an error (occurs when there is no cell left after filtering
  Set Rng = rFilter.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
  For Each Rw In Rng.Rows
  c = c + 1
  ReDim Preserve MyData(1 To Rng.Columns.Count, 1 To c)
  For Each Cell In Rw.Cells
  r = r + 1
  MyData(r, c) = Cell.Value
  Next Cell
  r = 0
  Next Rw
  Me.LbPreview.List = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(MyData)
End With

Rng, Rw, Cell, rFilter are dimmed as Range; c and r as long, MyData() as Variant. That piece of code is something I adapted from an online finding.

This code filters a table according to 3 possible filters. It then fills the listbox with what's left from the filtered table. It works nicely until in another sub I try to get the values.
Whenever my code contains something like
Me.LbPreview.List(1, 0).Value
, I get an error 424 "Object required".

Could you kindly explain to me what's happening here? I usually fill my listboxes with .AddItem; however here I have >10 columns and was thus obligated to fill my listbox that way.

Thanks for your reply. Here's the file. It's a bit messy still !

What should work is: using the listboxes on the left to filter the big listbox on the right.
Selecting a row in the right-side listbox should allow the following:
When entering values in the small textboxes below and then clicking "OK", it should replace the last 10 values of the selected ListBox row.

Edit: Actually it seems my filtering will not work if you use the bottom-left ListBox. It results in a non-transposed listbox because there's only 1 corresponding row. Not sure what causes that


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Have a look at the code in the link & file I attached to the last post
It does what you want
But only with 3 columns
I might be missing something (sorry if that's the case) but it seems you're filling the combobox using the .AddItem property.

However, as I read in many forum posts (and experienced for myself when trying to fill a >10column listbox), "For an unbound data source, there is a 10-column limit (0-9)". Thus, preventing me from using .AddItem

From what I understand in the thread you linked for me, it won't work because of that. But again, I might be missing something?
Your correct
You can't have more than 10 columns in a List/Combobox which is unbound

You could think about using an Advanced filter to setup a filtered list in a temporary location which you could then use to link the Combo box to
In case anyone gets here looking for a solution, here's how I eventually did it:

First debugging I managed was when I only had 1 row to display (i.e MyData contained only 1 column), filling the listbox bugged and it displayed the row in the form of a column. To remedy this, I replaced
Me.LbPreview.List = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(MyData)
Me.LbPreview.Column = MyData

And then to avoid errors while trying to change the values of my listbox, I bypassed that step and changed the values directly in my real-time-filtered table: instead of something like
 Me.LbPreview.List(x, 0).Value = Me.TbResult
which was generating an error, I pass the new value to my table with a simple
tablerange.Cells(rowposition, cycle ) = Controls("Res" & cycle).Value

and then immediately refresh the table to have it display the newly entered value(s).

EDIT: Actually that wasn't working all the time. I didn't take into account that I was modifying a filtered table & my references were thus messed up.
Changed the passing of my values to
 tablerange.Specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).Cells(rowposition, cycle )
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