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Use concatenate to create a workbook reference? (non-vba)


Hi there-

I am trying to create a data sheet that will pull (eventually) from the sheets I load to the workbook. There are many sheets, but, the data is ALWAYS in the same position on the source sheets (O10-O24). What I'm trying to do is set up the summary/helper sheet to pull the data back from these cells. However, I can't do it unless I type in all of the cell references directly. Wondering if I can use concatenate to set up the formulas? Is that possible? At first pass, it doesn't look it...here's what I've got:


it just shows up as text though...


Try: =INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("Project9!","O","10"))

Concatenate joins the text together and so it is displayed as Text

Indirect takes the text and tries to make a valid reference out of it

Also you don't need ' unless there is a space in the sheet name
Thanks HUI! THis also helps my question from the other day regarding ADDRESS & INDIRECT.

A slightly better layout would be


A1: Project9

Sheet name

A2: O10

Cell/Range reference

This allows you to change the Sheet or Range without editing the code