Regarding this topic issue and the following link collateral damage:
on Tuesday I happened to have a meeting with an old friend who works (ha, when he does, it's easier to make me work) as webmaster, mostly with phpMyAdmin and MySQL, so after the Carlsbergs after the Carlsbergs that wet the lunch after our meeting, he dared to ask me if it was me who write frequently at an Excel site since he found my nick lots of times while google-ing for Excel issues, which is not his forte. I confirmed it was me and maybe I have a new client.
But as I didn't want to let him go without a couple of questions, I told him about the old forums, the spam issues, the migration and I showed him specifically these 2 topics (this one and the other linked). He listened to me without a word and then took control of my notebook and began playing a bit. After a few minutes of speaking to himself and cursing and damning against all, he asked me things about which I only knew the theory but haven't any practical experience or I only knew that a forum's software migration has taken place.
Summary, his comments are these:
a) Google indexing is not working.
Performing searches from a browser using the forums names should retrieve more than 15K entries, where we only got 6 pages. Then he entered to the WebMasters Tools of Google and in a feature that forces the re-index of any site (limited to 500 entries if not the owner) and after that new searches with the same previous arguments retrieved more than 30 pages.
His recommendation was to re-index the whole site.
b) XenForo URL redirection or rewriting seemed to be only taking care of the topic / thread number.
Putting this in Google search:
led us directly to the topic, but neither of these even appeared:
http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/excel 2007
being led to the site page for error handling: The requested page could not be found.
And any of these:
chandoo.org forum threads excel 2007
chandoo.org forum excel 2007
led to the Google entries, but any with the wanted destination.
And any of these:
led us directly to the topic.
So what matters is only the topic / thread number, which is exactly the missing part in the searches, i.e., it's what we don't know a priori.
I almost forget: (partial) user names don't seem to be included in the search unless user has been addressed explicitly in the same post.
c) Existing links to previous topics / posts with the old values.
Maybe if having been used the redirection codes 301 (permanently moved) or 302 (found) or 307 (temporarily) or any other, original posts should have remained useful and it older links available.
Check the examples in this last link.
d) If no redirection, HTA or anything alike is possible.
He agreed with the method for converting the links described upwards, and from his personal point of view, the code for converting posts and links should be very simple. Counting on the availability of the migration table with the new thread number and the old posts table for renumbering.
I don't know if this will aid Chandoo, the webmaster or whomsoever, to make this site regain its accessibility and friendliness, but despite of my previous offer of converting old URLs there's nothing much more that I can imagine to do.
Hope it helps.
PS: I'm sure I understood everything when my friend explained it to me, just hope that I've been capable enough to transmit and rewrite everything here. So if there're any mistakes, well, it's due to Carlsberg.