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Unable To Fix "Microsoft Excel not enough memory error"


New Member
Hello everyone. Hopefully, you are all well. This is my first post in this forum. I hope I will get a better suggestion from you. I am unable to fix the "Microsoft Excel not enough memory error" issue. Although, I am not an expert on this matter. Can anyone provide any suggestions? Any help will be appreciated.
Can you tell us more about the problem

What is the file type and size?
How much RAM does your computer have?
What Version of Excel are you using?
What causes the error to pop-up?

There are techniques you can use to fix this

Remove all the styling in the workbook
Remove images from the work book
Change any cells that don't change and have formulas into values

Buy more Ram?
Upgrade the PC etc
Thanks for replying and the suggestions also. I will try the process you mentioned before. I am using MS Office Excel 2013 version, and the installed RAM on my computer is 4GB. But, some tech-related websites ( Source ) have been mentioned that try disabling the Hardware graphics acceleration feature of your Excel application. Is it true or false? I don't have any idea.
I'd suggest copying your file and try anything and everything on the copy

Can you share the file here?
I was only able to fix this problem by reinstalling it. It might be worth a try. (ver. 2016 for windows)
Similar situation, a normal reboot fixes it. I think the problem may be in this version, although I have not found reliable information regarding this error.