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udf to extract numeric value [SOLVED]


Active Member
So, I've got some really noisy, messy, bad data that I have to 'make useful'. I've been able to do most of it with a combination of a handful of UDF's, standard excel functions, and a CSV editor. One part still has me a little worried. So I've got cells that look like this:

Product Cost

RedWidg et100

BlueWid get200

I need to extract only the numeric portion of the cost field. I've got a UDF (which works, incidentally), I'm just not sure why. Since I'm converting variable types, I thought I would put it past the experts to make sure I'm doing this right:

Function ExtNum(target As Range)
Dim ticker As Integer
Dim testchar As String
Dim result As Integer

For ticker = 1 To Len(target)
testchar = Mid(target, ticker, 1)
If IsNumeric(testchar) = True Then
result = result & testchar
Else:  result = result
End If
Next ticker

ExtNum = result
End Function
Hi Dan ,

Can you try this ?

Function ExtNum(target As Range)
Dim ticker As Integer
Dim testchar As String

For ticker = 1 To Len(target)
testchar = Mid(target, ticker, 1)
If IsNumeric(testchar) Then Exit For
Next ticker

ExtNum = Val(Right(target, Len(target) - ticker + 1))
End Function
The function you have posted , does not correctly separate decimal numbers.


You could use a simple formula instead of a UDF



or simplified

If you are looking to extract numbers from Right to Left, here is another one,
