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Transferring WorkSheets/WorkBook

Hello friends of Chandoo.org.

Here's my Q, based on a problem i just encountered.

I want2 transfer (NOT copy) 9 worksheets from WorkBook #1 to WB #2. How do i do it IN ONE MOVE. ???

Alternately, I can transfer the entire WorkBook, that is; transferring WB #1 to WB #2. Again.....how do i do it.

Regards & Best Wishes.

Q 1: Select each sheet by pressing CTRL key, right click and select Move/ Copy... Then select the file name you want.

Q2: Can you rename the file?
Open Both Workbooks

Select the workbook with the 9 sheets

Click the Tab of Sheet 1 then Hold Ctrl, select each of the other sheets until you have the 9 selected

Right Click on any of the Selected Sheets' tabs

Move or Copy

To Book: Select the other workbook

Before Sheet: Select the location you want

Create a Copy: Un-Tick

Hello Hui Sir..that was truly AMAZING!

It was so e-z...& i just played around a bit....

Thank u 4 sharing ur kind deed.

Btw...i use a Mac.

Hi, James Perry!

Adding my two cents to what khelgadi and Hui posted, regarding your alternative question if you could move the entire workbook the answer is no, you should keep a workbook with at least one worksheet.
