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Toggle Between Chart Types


New Member
I want to toggle between chart types on my dashborad charts, like say I already have a bar graph depicted on the worksheet and if a user clicks on the graph the same graph with the same data gets changed to a line graph or xy scatter and it keeps inter-changing.
Mr Excel Desperate

Try pasting the following code into a Module

Sub Click_cht()
' Click Chart to scroll through several chart types
' posted on Chandoo.org
' By Hui...

On Error Resume Next

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate 'Chart name
' Change the Charts Name to match your Charts name

[H1] = [H1] + 1
If [H1] = 6 Then [H1] = 1

Select Case [H1]
Case 1
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlLine
Case 2
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlPie
Case 3
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlBarClustered
Case 4
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlArea
Case 5
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth
End Select


End Sub

Now Right Click on the Chart and Select Assign Macro

Select Click_cht and Ok
Hi Hui,

I tried doing it, but I am sorry it doesn't works. It would require chart events to be tracked, but I am not familiar with the use of it. Hope someone knows about it and he/she would help me explain and make me acheive doing it.

Copy the code

Alt F11

Click on the Page of your spreadsheet (in left hand pane)

paste the code into the right hand pane

Save your spreadsheet as a Macro Enabled Worksheet

Re-open and enjoy

Check that your chart is Called Chart1, adjust macro if not
Great piece of functionality Hui.

I beleive to make it work you need to right click the chart and assign the macro to the chart.

I have posted a simple example here:

Thanx Clarity, You are correct and I have amended my post.

It must have been a late night...