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to get unique values


I have a column of list of values, these values are repeated. How can I get only one value out of each category?



I used advanced filter for the first column, and I did the same for the second column.

After I verified it, I couldn't get the correct corresponding value on the second column. for example for a I have to get b in column b, but I got c from column b.

How can you explain it? Has it been my error?

Please advise.


Please make sure you state the complete problem in first post. Your first post talks about only 1 column, but it looks like you actually have multiple columns. Could you post a small sample table of data so we can see what you/we are dealing with, and what you'd like to see?

I have several columns and each one has a lot of data under:

Column P Has 3000 cells and some of the data in cells are duplicated

Column b has 209

Column C has 200 hundred and so on

I need to pull the unique values from these columns, it means if a value is repeated under any column, I need to have only one of it.

