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Text to Columns in Excel 2007

Whoever locked the worksheet has disabled that functionality

Can't you get them to unlock it ?
Sorry I should have given a bit more explanation regarding my query. I am the originator of the protected spreasheet and I want to allow users to do "Text to Columns" only for a certain (unlocked) cells in that sheet keeping all other (locked) cells protected. Let me know if I am still not clear - Hari

That's clearer

I'm not sure you can specifically enable/disable that functionality, but selecting the area and allowing editing should enable it

Also you say within a certain range of cells, but what would stop a person inserting say 20 column markers of 1 character each, effectively adding 20 columns to your worksheet. Can your model accommodate that?
Hi, pvharibabu!

I've tested that and I couldn't bypass the disabling of text to columns feature when sheet is protected even over an unprotected range. So, I stick to my previous comment, you ought to unprotect it first.

Thanks Hui. I have unlocked only a certain range of cells as my data in those cells is an output from a software program which would be in a standard (text) format all the time - Hari