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New Member
Hie forum,

Have a column containing numbers and errors. I want to sum the column with sumif function, but it is not yielding correct result. The formula I am using is-:


Am i doing something wrong???



Thanks man, once again.

Two poits however, sumif, takes 3 inputs, but your 1st formula has only 2 inputs.

Secondly, why didn't my formula worked???

Would appreciate if you cld reply when convenient.

The third Sumif parameter is optional

When you start to type a formula and it shows the help

SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])

Any parameters in [ ] brackets are Optional

I'll have a think about the second question

Quick follow-up on your second question. Your formula didn't work because the NOT function is only capabale of reversing, aka gives the opposite of, a logical (if an expression was TRUE, returns FALSE). Since #N/A isn't a logical, the function returned an error.