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Sum, Sub-Total


Having an issue with sum and subtotal or not sure if i should be using either;

a b c d

1 Cost qty sub-total total

2 1.00 1 15 15.00

the problem is when i change b1 it also changes c2 and d2 to whatever number i put.

i need it to add the qty to c2 then add the amount to d2

So if i put 5 in b2, c2 should change to 20 and d2 should change to 20.00
Shouldn't your cells be as follows

C2: =A2*B2

D2: =C2

Copy C2: Down

D3: =D2+C3

Copy D3: Down
yes but maybe i explained it wrong; i realize this is a little different than my first post but i was playing with what you posted to see if i could make it work.

i want to use column b as an input area. i am counting money and want to keep a running total of the quantity of the denomination and what the total value is. in the case below i have 49 1$ bills. but if i add 10 to the 49 total i have 59 1$ bills. the problem is whan i change b2 it changes it across the row to that amount and is not keeping a count of the qty of 1$ and to total $ amount.

a b c d e

money QTY INPUT qty qty-tot total

$1.00 49 49 49 $49.00

$5.00 19 95 $95.00

$10.00 8 80 $80.00

$20.00 4 80 $80.00

$50.00 0 0 $0.00