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Sticky outlining who the ninjas are.


Active Member

I think it would be cool if there was sticky on who the Excel Ninjas are. Somewhere where they can put their bios, influences, and (if they want) add a bit of info about their non-ninja alter egos (e.g. "When I'm not off saving the world dressed in tights and underpants, I work at the Daily Mail as a mild-mannered reporter).

I think this could be really inspirational to users, to see that ninjas are just ordinary folk with an unhealthy passion for excel and a good deal of altruism to boot.

And I think it might be a good place for Ninjas to outlline some of the resources as experiences that helped them become black-clad all-powerful spreadsheet killers.

What do you ninjas reckon?

edit: Oh, and it would be cool if they could post a few links to their 'proudest moments' on the forum.
I like the idea and I like the sticky. One more question which perhaps the sticky could address: once you're a ninja are you always a ninja, or do you have to remain active to keep the title?
Ninja's don't retire

They die an agonizing death

whilst trying to solve the reverse text string as a formula conundrum!
I can't tell you how long I've spent on that one, Hui. It's like the cold fusion slash boson higgs particle of Excel.
Not sure if you guys have a copy of 'Excel Gurus Gone Wild', but there's an approach in it on page 55 under 'Use a self-referencing formula' where a guy called Hady came up with a solution of sorts:

=IF(LEN(B1)<LEN(A1)+1,B1&MID(A1,LEN(A1)+1-LEN(B1),1,IF(MID(B1,1,1)<>"0",B1,RIGHT(B1,LEN(a1))&" "))

...but also requires you to tick the checkbox at
File>Option>Formulas>Enable Iterative Calculation

(or Tools>Options>Calculation>Iteration in older versions)