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Speak text with some delay vba


I've got a problem, i wish you someone could help me on this.

I wrote a vba that speaks what i want.

Function Speak(c As Boolean, s As String)

If c Then Application.Speech.Speak s

Speak = c

End Function

=speak(a1>a2,rept(c1,3)), here it speaks 3 times (cell c1)if a1>a2. Now the problem is if again and again my a1 and a2 is changing it starts speaking. NOw i want that even if a1 and a2 changes and a1 becomes greater than a2 it should atleast repeat after lets say 60 seconds or so.

with regards

Have a look at http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/run-macro-on-time.htm

which will walk you through running macros at set times
No sir its also not working. I know application.ontime function can help to repeat a certain macro after a certain time. But here i want a vba that should give me a function such that = speak(a1>a2,rept(c1,d1),time(e1)), here my c1 would be spoken out, d1 number of times and after repeatation of d1 times if again a1 and a2 changes and a1> a2 it should speak after e1 seconds.

with regards
