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Sparkline Data Source


New Member
Is there a way to create a Sparkline with non-consecutive data? I have a spreadsheet that uses subtotals for each quarter, but I want to create a Sparkline that will look across the months of the year, ignoring the quarterly subtotals. Therefore, my data ranges would be something like b2:d2, f2:h2, j2:l2, n2:p2 and I'd like to create one Sparkline for these.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

I would use a Named Formula to do this

Add a Named Formula called "Data" with the formula =$b$2:$d$2,$f$2:$h$2,$j$2:$l$2,$n$2:$p$2

Then add a Sparkline

Use Data as the data source and set your destination as required

Thank you! Your suggestion worked beautifully!

I'm very glad to be a part of a community of knowledge like this.
