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Rounding up date difference in days to the next year and prefixing with R


Hi I an subtracting 15/9/2011 from 15/2/2014 to get number of days old. I then divide by 365 to get years and get 2.42 yrs which I then use "round up" to get 3. I then put an R in front to get R3, (=R&" "&G3 etc) ie rising 3yrs. I have done this in three steps using helper columns. Is there a easier way to do this. Any number greater than a full year gets rounded up to the next year. eg 2.1 is R3 and 2.9 is R3 Thank you for any help with this. PS Excel 2003
Hi, Lymm!

Try this:
="R "&REDONDEAR.MAS(FRAC.AÑO(A1;A2);0) -----> in english: ="R "&ROUNDUP(YEARFRAC(A1,A2),0)



PS: Excel 2003? o_O What's that? If the 1st version is 2010!:p
Hi, Lymm!
Checked against Moses' Tablets of Law and both functions were available in 2003 BC.
HI, Sir JB, Many thanks for the formula, but I am having trouble enabling the Analysis toolpack. I have the excel cds but keep getting errors. IM sure I had them on my previous computer and they worked ok but I may need to uninstall and reinstall Office 2003 on this Win 7 puter :(
Hi, Lymm!
What's that about not being able to enable Analysis Toolpack? You're using Win 7 with Office/Excel 2003, any reason apart from licensing?
I can hardly remember about 2007, I moved recently to 2013 and I miss (and considering downgrading to) 2010, so I don't know if I could help you with the 2003 installation.
Hi, after multiple tries I finally got the toolpack loaded and now the formula works. Thank you so much for your help, have a nice day.
Hi, Lymm!
Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.