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Radial bar chart


Active Member

I would like to reproduce a radial bar chart but i can not figure out, could you please help me to do this?


  • sample.xlsx
    84.8 KB · Views: 45
Do you mean like this:

Change values
Then right click on a series and set start position to 270
or see attached:


  • Chart sample.xlsx
    89.7 KB · Views: 167
Thank you Hui the help.
Could you give me one more advice... how to add the "black bar" to the chart with "start and end line" and major tick marks (cross)? Is it possible?
How's about this bad boy?
View attachment 24286

Yes done in Excel

See attached file:

The Labels may not display properly in Excel < 2013

Hey there,

First of all, awesome stuff! Did not know that this was possible natively in Excel

Trying to recreate this in Excel and I was wondering if negatives could be shown in this or not?

Additionally, what purpose do the values on the column on the right serve?
Clever stuff, so A9 to F18 are the Dimensions and the cordinates for the black bars. Col G are the labels for chart. D6 & 7, E6 & 7 generate the green and red bars, with E being a transparent bar in a second series, is that actually required? If you use it for percentages, it looks to go from 0.01 to 7 if you actually want to go from 1 - 100, which is awkward.
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