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Radar Chart Editing


New Member
Hello everyone,

I really enjoyed the post on using Wingdings to replace radar charts. But now I have a few questions on editing.


If we were to just choose between 3 circles rather than 5, why wouldn't

=MID(A$8;FLOOR((N2-1)/3;1)+1;1) work? (The wingding text will be in Cell A8)

Also, in this example - there is a maximum limit of 25.

I don't think I completely understand how the formula works. Could someone explain it to me so maybe I can set different minimum/maximum limits?

We are dividing by 5 in the example be cause 25 (max value) / 5 (total symbols) = 5

so if you want to use just 3 symbols, and your list's max is say 90, you need to divide by 30, because 90 / 3 = 30


Your correct, Chandoos formula is limited to the data that is presented and outside 25 will produce an error

This is what Chandoos formula should be

D6: =MID($C$3,INT((L6-MIN($L6:$Q6))/((MAX($L6:$Q6)-MIN($L6:$Q6))/(5-1)))+1,1)

You can now copy that accross and down

In your case try


You will have to change the ranges of the data in L6:Q6 to match your data area

Note in both cases the (5-1) and (3-1) the 5 & 3 are the number of Symbols you want to use, change as appropriate